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"The University of Dallas offers the finest undergraduate education of any university in the nation."

George Weigel, acclaimed Pope St. John Paul II biographer and Distinguished Senior Fellow of the Ethics and Public Policy Center




Academic excellence embodied in a rigorous Catholic education dedicated to a lifelong pursuit of wisdom, truth and virtue.


1,500 Undergraduates

80% Catholic Students

Daily Mass


The Core

University of Dallas students share a formative experience in studying the great deeds and words of Western civilization together. The Core, is an opportunity to inquire into the fundamental aspects of being and our relationship with God, nature and our fellow human beings.


The Rome Experience

It’s one thing to read the Great Books, it’s quite another to experience firsthand where many of them took place. In that instant, history comes alive, and our students change forever.  This means our Rome Program is more than just a semester abroad. 


Our Catholic Faith

The light of the Catholic faith illuminates every aspect of life at UD. We support academic and religious freedom and foster spiritual development – no matter the faith tradition – to prepare students for their calling as men and women of faith in the world.


Request more info above and also receive a Free Guide to help you and your student discern:

  • The true purpose of a college education
  • How to listen for your vocational call and answer it
  • The role of community life in these formative years
  • How God's grace might be leading you

The University of Dallas is dedicated to the pursuit of wisdom, of truth, and of virtue as the proper and primary ends of education.

The University seeks to educate its students so they may develop the intellectual and moral virtues, prepare themselves for life and work in a problematic and changing world, and become leaders able to act responsibly for their own good and for the good of their family, community, country, and church.
